Time to ungrind
If you’ve ever worked three straight nights without sleep, downed multiple energy drinks to keep from fading in class, or bought pills off someone to stay up (or to crash after), you’re a victim of the hustle culture that tells us we aren’t enough.
How is hustle culture hurting us?
Most creative thinkers say a good night’s sleep, a quiet walk, and even stepping away from the project for a while are way better ways to be creative than staying up mindlessly grinding. That’s true for architects and engineers, physicists and doctors, and, of course, writers and artists. Lack of sleep eats away at our ability to think through processes and concepts.
Lack of sleep isn’t just hurting our creativity—it’s killing our productivity, too. With packed schedules and too much to get done, some people try to power through, pulling all-nighters and cramming. But there’s tons of evidence to show that we are least productive when we tackle projects like this. So we end up doing less by trying to do more.
So what is all of this lack of sleep and all those energy drinks doing to our bodies? Stress and sleep
deficiency are directly linked to depression, which just makes all these issues worse. We feel like
we aren’t doing enough, or we aren’t grinding hard enough, and we look for unhealthy ways to get
things done.
“[Hustle Culture] creates the assumption that the only value we have as human beings is our productivity capability—our ability to work, rather than our humanity.”
-Aiden Harper
Based on your location, these campus resources may be available to you.
University of Northern Colorado
University of Colorado – Colorado Springs
University of Denver
Colorado School of Mines
Fort Lewis College
Colorado Mountain College
Northeastern Junior College